Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Southern Day Part 5: Not what it may seem!

On February 18th (long time ago now, I know!) I went out and bought a Southern DaySave. Took my life into my own hands. Not just a single or return, but a Southern day ticket! this is how it panned out...

Newhaven. It's full of warehouses. It's all industrial. It's got 2 Stations (Harbour and Town) and a ghost station (Marine). Right? Nope. The Harbour and Town stations have something that I'm really in to at the moment, but we'll get to that later. Firstly, there's the well-known, abandoned Newhaven Marine Station, with its rusted (not-much-of-a) roof - the main reason I came. There's also an abandoned ferry terminal next to it, where ferries used to run to France from. (A great video of it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTmumbrKohs). Except now it's demolished:
Trains to Seaford go left, but the branch to the right is where Newhaven Marine once stood.
But at least there was still one good reason... Take a guess - I'm obsessed with them at the moment!

If you said something that is short and red, you're right! Well, kind of - the Southern machines are green, but still...
The one working machine at Newhaven Harbour. The other had the 'Not In Use' light on
As I was walking to Newhaven Harbour (There was 15 minutes until the train and it was a 10 minute walk - I would probably be able to get another 3 pieces of paper from a short, green machine there too) I stumbled across a yard full of buses! At first I thought it was preserved buses, but after some research I've found out that it seems to be the depot of a company called either Victoria Coaches or Victoria Travel. It's very hazy, as they don't have a website and there is barely any information on them, but I think they're probably defunct now. Here is a selection of the best photos I could get without trespassing:
Believe this is a Leyland National 'Greenway', but not 100% sure. This actually has Victoria Coaches branding 
Something else to throw into the mix - a Seaford & District coach!
There really was everything there... A health and wellbeing bus? I think the rest of the buses need to go on here!
A Wrightbus and a Dart parked up, with a well-restored Scania peeping through
A seemingly neglected Wilts & Dorset branded Bristol VR
The only modern (ish) vehicles there - three coaches, one of which is branded for Victoria Travel
And finally, after a nice walk through Newhaven (not to offend anyone there, but it was the walk that was nice, not Newhaven :-P) It was time for another (not at all) clean, (but very) green machine at Newhaven Town!
Newhaven Town's only PERTIS machine.
So Newhaven is actually interesting! Don't go there for the sights, but it's got a kind of empty feel to it, which is quite nice on a sunny day. It's good for transport enthusiasts too, with two stations, three PERTIS machines (two working) and a yard full of buses!

Hope you enjoyed my review of Newhaven!

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